Sports/Athletic Pain

Sports/Athletic Pain: 

Athletics is a very important topic to Dr. Vaughn and he loves to help athletes better themselves. We are all an athlete on some level and we all have goals that we are trying to achieve. The great thing about chiropractic it is that it is a very versatile tool that can help any person of any age! The point is that we all have a passion for something and we deserve to do it well and pain free. Most weekend warriors deal with the pain and are stuck in the cycle of playing on the weekend and hurting themselves and resting during the week to try and recover in time for the next week! Why not break the cycle and find out why you are having these chronic issues and avoid the pain and suffering? Here is a list of just some of the injuries we can help with.

  • Shoulder
  • Knee
  • Hip
  • Hamstring
  • Ankle
  • Wrist
  • Foot


Chiropractic tape
When most people think about a chiropractor they think of their back or neck and they don’t give thought to the other areas of their body that may be hurting. Dr. Vaughn is board certified as a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician or CCSP. This means that he has a master degree in sports medicine and has done hundreds of extra hours that focus specifically with sports injuries and their care. He has covered numerous sporting events ranging from 14 year old fast pitch softball to high school baseball and even professional level athletes.

Dr. Vaughnloves to play sports and he loves to be around other athletes and help them get better and perform at their best. We encourage you to call and schedule an appointment today and begin your journey to better health and a better you!