
Looking into your Sciatica Pain Treatment Options?

Why not choose a professional Chiropractor in Kennewick?


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Sciatic Nerve: Why Does It Ignite?

The sciatic nerve is the longest and biggest nerve in the human body. The nerve starts in the back and continues all through the leg. The parts of this nerve connect the back to the bottom of the foot. Because of its size and length, this nerve plays an important role in controlling muscles used to move the leg.

In most cases, sciatica is caused by a bone spur in the spine pressing on a nerve or a herniated disk. Kennewick Chiropractic Injury Clinic can help ease sciatica pain.

Kennewick Chiropractic Injury Clinic


2601 W Falls Ave, Kennewick, WA 99336


 (509) 596-1288

Business Hours:

 Monday –9:00am-12:00pm , 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Tuesday – 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Wednesday – 9:00am -12:00pm and  3:00pm – 6:00pm
Thursday – 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Friday – 9:00pm – 12:00pm
Saturday,Sunday– Closed


Factors that contribute to sciatica are the following

  • old age      
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • osteoporosis
  • work efforts that affect the back
  • trauma to the buttocks and thighs

What Is Sciatica ?

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve, whose roots are found in the lumbar-sacral tract of the vertebral column. The sciatic nerve makes its way through various muscles, crosses the pelvis and runs along the thigh, and then divides into two branches (tibial nerve and common peroneal nerve) at the height of the anatomical part behind the knee.

In short, this nerve is responsible for the innervation of the whole leg. This is why, when inflamed, the pain is so extensive. In particular, the symptoms of sciatica are:

  • strong backache
  • pain in the gluteus and in the back of the thigh, which radiates along the entire leg up to the foot
  • burning and tingling (paresthesia)
  • muscle cramps and a feeling of sagging of the leg;
  • increased pain in some postures, for example, when sitting for a long time, or coughing

These symptoms are all the more intense the more severe the compression level of the sciatic nerve roots.

medically accurate illustration of a painful sciatic nerve

How To Deal With Sciatica !

Sciatica is usually treated with rest and drug therapies, which may include anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, and pain killers. Once the pain has eased, it is possible to proceed with physiotherapy, which has the important role of working on posture correction and reducing the symptoms more and more. In most cases, the problem of sciatica is solved within a maximum of two months.

Where medications and physiotherapy do not seem to be sufficient, the doctor may suggest resorting to ozone therapy, which aims to reduce nerve compression. More rarely is the surgical intervention of discectomy, which in general is reserved only for the most severe cases of a hernia expelled, so when the intervertebral disc has slipped in full out of its seat.

What Are The Causes Of Sciatica?

In numerous instances,  a herniated disc, leads to the compression of the sciatic nerve’s roots. This happens when the nucleus of an intervertebral disc protrudes, a condition known as a herniated disc, causing to push against the nerve roots, resulting in a disc-root clash.).

But if the disc herniation is a frequent cause of sciatica especially among the younger ones, let’s not forget the arthrosis processes that affect the spine in later life. Arthrosis, in fact, can lead to bone outgrowths precisely in those channels of the spinal column where roots of the sciatic nerve pass also, in this case, therefore, compression can occur.

Finally, there are diseases that can simulate the symptoms of sciatica, and therefore must be excluded with appropriate investigations that your doctor will advise you based on your medical history.

How To Cure Sciatica?

If you have an inflamed sciatic nerve and want to cure it, these remedies can be very useful.

In case you find yourself in an acute phase of pain, with the impossibility of moving, being in bed a few days is definitely the best condition, so as to avoid further irritation of the nerve.

 Once you have seen your doctor, it will be useful to start, right away, the prescribed therapy (usually anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants).

The team of consultants at Kennewick Chiropractic Injury Clinic will provide you guidance related to your treatment and how long it will take to heal. We also provide services that include pain-relieving services and massage-therapy that can be beneficial for your treatment.  Call us now to book an appointment!


Ropper, A. H., &Zafonte, R. D. (2015). Sciatica. New England Journal of     Medicine372(13), 1240-1248.

Valat, J. P., Genevay, S., Marty, M., Rozenberg, S., &Koes, B. (2010). Sciatica. Best         practice & research Clinical Rheumatology24(2), 241-252.

Dahm, K. T., Brurberg, K. G., Jamtvedt, G., & Hagen, K. B. (2010). Advice to rest in bed   versus advice to stay active for acute low‐back pain and sciatica. Cochrane     database of systematic reviews, (6).

Jacobs, W. C., van Tulder, M., Arts, M., Rubinstein, S. M., van Middelkoop, M., Ostelo,     R., … &Peul, W. C. (2011). Surgery versus conservative management of sciatica       due to a lumbar herniated disc: a systematic review. European Spine          Journal20(4), 513-522.

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